Monday, March 2, 2015


Vishnu Symbolism and The Theory of Evolution

Recently the western scientists confirmed that Big Bang Never happened, which shows how the western scientists are uncertain about their so called scientific theories....

The Ancient Hindu sages has a remarkable feat of Knowledge about Biology, Cosmology (The theory of Everything ) with which they invented Yoga and Ayurveda diagnosing different species of flora and faun and the entire cosmos.

The Hindu Scriptures mentioned:
Iconography of Lord Vishnu: Who has no specific form and who has no beginning and no end: That the Universe has no Beginning and No end.
In The epic Jaya(Mahabharata) Lord Krishna ,while revealing his cosmic form(Vishnu) before  Arjuna showed him the Stars, Galaxies and other heavenly bodies which made Arjuna to faint on the Battle ground(Kurukhetra/dharma khetra/earth).

Lord Vishnu resides with in a coiled serpent (a huge galaxy looks like a coiled serpent)

He resides in the Khirasagara or Ocean of milk (the refraction of scattered light particles of a galaxy look like a white colour ocean)

He has four arms (the galaxy has four arms where other small galaxies, star clusters, nebulas, Constellations, stars, solar systems, planets exists). This is the for arms of the Swastica Symbol which has a very important root in various nations and a sacred symbol of Hindusim.

Lord Brahma (Hiranya Garva-The Bright Light) the creator of the living world originates from lord Vishnu navi ( the center of galaxy has a brightest star which /who created the the living world)...

Samudra Manthana(Churning of Ocean)

Samudra Manthan represents the churning of cosmic ocean or the heavenly bodies which gives rise to many gods, goddess, nectar, poison, jewels, creatures, apsaras and other precious things .

Jatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande 

The Human body is made up of the Five key elements of cosmos Agni(Fire), Vayu(Air), Pristhwi(earth), Jala(water), Eather (Sky)

There are 33 lakh Yoni a person has to take birth which depicts the no of species which surviving in earth is nearly equal to the present day 34 lakh species...

Hindu Theory of Evolution and Natural selection

•          Matsya - fish, the first class of vertebrates; evolved in water
•        Kurma - amphibious (living in both water and land; but not to confuse with the vertebrate class amphibians)
•         Varaha - wild land animal/ Mammal
•      Narasimha - beings that are half-animal and half-human (indicative of emergence of human thoughts and intelligence in powerful wild nature)
•          Vamana - short, premature human beings
•          Parasurama - early humans living in forests and using weapons
•          Rama - humans living in community, beginning of civil society
•          Krishna - humans practicing animal husbandry, politically advanced societies
•          Buddha - humans finding enlightenment
•          Kalki - advanced humans with great powers of destruction.

Modern Theory of Evolution

Charles Robert Darwin, FRS ( 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist and geologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory
Darwin published his theory of evolution with compelling evidence in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, overcoming scientific rejection of earlier concepts of transmutation of species. Darwin’s scientific discovery is the unifying theory of the life sciences, explaining the diversity of life. The voyage of the Beagle, 1831–1836 he traveled many parts of the world including Indonesia, Cambodia, which has the world’s largest Vishnu Temple complex. On the walls of the temple it has clearly depicted the DASAVTAR of Lord Vishnu. This would have forced Darwin to propound his theory of evolution.

Unlike Darwins theory of Evolution of Species , Vishnu Dasavataram categorized the evolution of life naturally , environmentally and socially .... what an extraordinary intellect of Indian Rishis .